Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas ........

A belated Merry Christmas to you all! Our family get together didn't quite go as planned due to the fact that we were flooded in. Yep, the main road into the valley was cut off a week before Christmas so no mail for us (hope the post office holds it for us...) Christmas eve and another 65mls saw the Northern route cut off also. So we spent a happy day playing uno and eating goodies after opening our presents of course!

Our Front Creek

I was given a new window cleaner for Christmas,(among other wonderful things) and only yesterday between showers was able to test it. It works a treat and has cut the time taken to clean the windows by half as I no longer have to use a ladder to reach as it has a telescope handle.

About the garlic..... the best laid plans of mice and men....... Because DH's op was postphoned we were unable to build the garlic shed so we dug out under the house, a cool dry and airy place. Great no problem, it will get us through this time....yeah right! Imagine a pool slowly filling, this was our drying area as the underground water table rose and almost engulfed the first rack of garlic. So in the rain, it was all hands on deck as the garden shed was cleared out, the contents stuffed here and there, bit like the aftermath of a cyclone really. All the racks and garlic were then transferred, crate by crate and about 7.00 that evening we had finished moving the entire crop, about 600kgs worth. We have the fans going on it 24/7 so just see how it goes. This little lesson has taught us a few things and thus have been taken into consideration in the plans for the new shed.

We planted a "ley" for the goats (an area planted with all different grasses and grains) which was opened up just before Christmas. It has increased the milk volume, so today DH and DD are making Feta cheese as I write this. Dede who was due to kid on New Years Day had a doe on Boxing day which DD has named "Sunshine" (probably because of the lack of it!) needless to say she is just the cutest. Fortuneatly we had a shed that we prepared for the event, so mother and daughter are high and dry and doing well.


chook said...

yep its wet wet wet have fun my friend stay dry

Narelle said...

Hi Bec, we're in the same boat so to speak.
Stay high and dry ... we'll all have lots of fun when the mail comes through.