Monday, July 16, 2012

Washing day ......

A walk outside requires a pair of these ..........

The past few weeks have been wet, wet, wet! It is certainly no joy having to do the morning and afternoon chores in the continual rain.  Thus far we have received 8 inches of rain but alas the sun is shinning today, still cool but we have sun! My washing machine is currently working overtime with the prospect of actually being able to get some clothes dry......  woohooo!!!

It has highlighted that we aren't set up for continual periods of rain.  I mean, how many of you stress about drying clothes after three days of rain?  DH generously strung some line in his shed which is currently full of clothes.  OK this works but it takes nearly a week to get something dry in our current weather pattern. 

The other problem is a dry place for the sheep which are coming into lambing season.  Now of course we have shelters in the paddocks but when the ground becomes saturated the floor of the shelters become waterlogged too.   So building the sheep shed has moved up on the list of "to do" and hopefully we will be more prepared next year. 

On the upside, the roof doesn't leak LOL.  The joys of living on the land, learning to take the good with the bad.

Hoping you are all well and staying high and dry ............


Tracy said...

There is something about damp washing hanging around that makes a house feel a bit sad. we have had washing in the lounge room on the airers for a few days and I am very glad to now have it all dry. Perfect day for it here today after a very frosty start.

Tracy said...
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Tracy said...
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Narelle said...

Me too with the washing ... verandah line, little folding rack, backs of dining chairs :)
Hope the sheep are ok.