As I've mentioned, we are going to have solar panels installed so that we can feed back to the grid. Well I thought that considering the rebates ended in July that we wouldn't really need to worry about it for a few months yet, (yeah right ......) seems the elections have hastened this along a wee bit and after speaking with the supplier this could now happen within the next couple of weeks.
Yikkes........ have I mentioned the end of March and April are one of the busiest times (apart from harvest) here on the farm? Finish off cleaning the garlic for sale, sorting the seed stock, preparing the paddock and then planting.......
DH said it would take a "good" three days to carry out the building side of things. As the meter box is located on the shed, we figure extending the shed would be the most economic way to go. We made good progress the first day and a half, right up until the drill decided to start smoking (really, smoke began billowing from within...) and of course the building side of things came to a halt until a replacement drill could be purchased (geez right now I can really relate with thejoyfulhomemaker who had reno delays for similar reasons) as it turned out that afternoon and late into the night we packed garlic ready to send to market the next day.
Write the next day off - it was a town day. (but did get a new drill ;)
The following day we got back into the building and by the end of the day all the frame was up, (Big YEAH) just waiting to have the roofing iron added. I should mention here that I have a fear of heights and at times DH had to have seemingly three or four hands to juggle measuring, cutting, drilling etc but manged to get it done.
Here is a picture of the frame before we added the roofing iron. I am secretly jumping with glee here because not only will this extension, which I might add was not on our list to accomplish this year (for the record), will also house the "cow bales" or "the milking parlor". The internal design is yet to be finalized but we have a basic design in mind, fortunately "Miss Molly" isn't due til August, so this will be put on hold. With this job now completed we now have to move onto planting, mother nature waits for no one and it is time!
looks good how much solar are you getting and how much does that power up?
Keep saying nearly there... Must be the season for drill deaths,we need a new one too....
Can't wait to see more of this project, especially the cow bales.
Joyfulhomemaker - we are getting a 3kw system which should cover our needs. We are, however planning to retrofit our existing hot water system with solar.
Deb H - thanks for your advise. I am sure in a month or two it will all seem like a storm in a teacup, especially we I can say "yes that job is finished"
Fiona - yes I am excited about the new bales. One idea DH is talking about fitting a swing/hinged tray to catch any mishaps. He has seen this done at a commercial dairy farm.
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