Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Summer is here.........

Make no mistake, summer has arrived! The mercury has really been soaring around these parts, with readings of 34 degrees in the shade. That equates to hot in anyones' language. Just to add a bit of spice to the mixture, old mother nature has thrown in a hand full of humidity to top it off. Apart from running around like a headless chook in the cool of the morning and afternoon, the majority of the day is spent avoiding the blistering sun and swealtering heat. That is if your not fighting a bushfire....................
The strawberries however are thriving so I ventured off into the garden and picked as many as I could before DH raided it yet again and made up a few bottles of strawberry jam. I'm hoping they will last until Christmas where I plan to crack open a jar on Christmas morning (well that's the plan)
Since my last posting the first of our two expectant milking goats kidded. This is Lucy with her first kids which goat girl has named April for the doe and Buddy for the buck. Lily the other doe is due any day now. With an expected influx of milk and the school holidays, I'm anticipating alot of yoghurt and cottage cheese will be made. Pictured below is DD (aka Goat Girl) at her graduation dinner, gosh time sure does fly.
The last two days have been more hectic or should I say kaotic then usual being that the boys have been busy fighting a bushfire in our area. All the weather conditions have boosted it on and unless we get some rain they invision it burning for a while. You wouldn't believe it though, the brigade took possession of a brand new slip-on unit not two days before hand. They say everything happens for a reason.....................................


Narelle said...

Congratulations to your DD on her graduation! Sorry I missed it and will catch up with everyone on breakup day :o)
Those strawberries look delish and the new kids are adorable.

chook said...

congrats Cara
enjoy Highschool next year.
mum to a highschool girl again Bec wow have fun
hugs Beth

Kids and Canning Jars said...

Ooooo I love the pictures! Lots happening at your place. You can add yogurt to almost anything. Smoothies, pizza crust, breads, casseroles. I love goat milk cheese. I wish I lived close to you I would come snag some milk from you. Good luck wit the kids. Both goats and real. They are all cute. Melissa