Wednesday, November 16, 2011


This morning we had to put off our harvest start date because we aren't quite ready although the garlic is bummer.... Since my last post I was wiped out by a 48 hr bug and slept through most of it, good thing for me is that I am now back on track. Other noticeable changes since last time is that things are really drying out our way. The lawn is dead in parts and other parts crunch under your feet when you walk on it. The mercury has started to saw, at lunch time today it was 37 degrees under the back porch, needless to say darn hot when your working with steel and iron.
Putting up the ceiling, very hot work and although they tried to scheduled this part of the building for the cooler times of the day it was still jolly warm work. The difference could be felt as soon as a sheet of iron was added especially when ones head was right next to the roof....
Before the walls could go up, the blower (it actually sucks the hot air from the shed and blows it outside - but "sucker" just doesn't sound right :) had to be installed, so a frame was made and it was lifted into place and given a test run. Once this was done the boys started sheeting the walls and at 9.30pm last night they were still cutting the sheeting/iron for the last wall in the cool. Can't complain about the hours they are putting in......
This morning the last wall was put up, yeah, its looking like a shed!!! Below is an outside view of the "blower" the flashing still needs to be added either end of the shed to stop the rain from coming in however, this is certainly a job for a cooler time of the day.
Next the windows were cut out, these will allow the air to enter the shed and once the ones on the other side are also done, will create an air flow, just right for drying garlic. My job was to paint the raw cut edges with cold gal to stop the iron from rusting. At this point in time we could start using the shed if push came to shove....... ( big deep sigh of relief)
Yep its not finished yet, but its looking mighty good :)
However all plans were put aside when the boys got a call from firecom when we walked in for lunch. DS our 2nd and 3rd Officers responded to the call, DH left 1/2 earlier than usual to clean the bus, something that should have been done a day or so earlier but didn't have time for. So alas that leaves me with enough time to blog and mow my small patch of green lawn that is becoming a tad bit unruly........... DS has just returned and it looks like we could be busy with a wildfire if our current weather condition continues.........just great ............

1 comment:

Kids and Canning Jars said...

Hello- Thank you froalll the commets on my blog I so appreciat them....
Thanksgiving is an American holiday. (short version) It started back when the pilgrams and the indians met for a meal in peace. It became a feast. It is now a Natioial holiday here and still a feast. About food and family. Thanks for asking. I suppose if you want to learn more you could google search it or read on others blogs. We had a good day. Lots of food,family and games. I am sure some like holiday happens all over the world. Melissa