Thursday, May 12, 2011

Farm Project - Part 1

Ok, you know its cold when you open the fridge and it feels warm........LOL. Yep the mercury has certainly dropped. Tuesday night I was moaning about it being cold enough to frost in which my DH told me to toughen up. Well the next day the sweet potatoes were showing signs of frost burn.. so there!.. but there was no mistaken this morning, it was a good frost. brrr...... The upside to frosty mornings is that the days are normally beautiful.
Our latest project.........

Take one secondhand chicken cage - scored from a friend that was looking to get rid of it. Now add to that a trailer that DH got from the recycle centre for the sum of $20. (I should mention that it didn't look like it does now, in fact the floor and sides were rusted completely but DH fixed it up, he is handy!) Add to the mix some secondhand hardwood tomato stakes at 50 cents each.
What do you get??? These are the ingredients for our latest project. Any guesses?????

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