Monday, October 29, 2012

Bee Happy ....

Today we took delievery of our first ever bee hive.  Our friends whom happen to be neighbours, were the inspiration we needed to take the plunge.  It was a visit to their farm and seeing everything set up and operating that helped us decide, plus the fact that they are only a phone call away should we run into trouble.

Checking to make sure the box will sit height enough on the stand

Under instruction - removing the tape

The bees are released - Welcome to your new home

Welcome home new little bees, and like proud parents we have spent the better part of the morning watching them and then invited our friends in for a coffee and extracted more information from them (and they thought we were just being neighbourly.....;)

Solar hot water update ....  Yesterday it was overcast and raining so we flicked the switch back on but just for the day (the 1st time since installing it), it is off again now.   The water heats up during the day so come night time there is oddles of hot water, the mornings are not quite the same.  Up till last Friday during the morning I thought you could get one shower and have enough water for washing up, ok well that's all we need, can live with that. 

The test came when it was a shopping day and us girls wanted to pretty ourselves up as well, which included hair washing.    So what happened?  Did anyone blame the other for using all the hot water?  Who was the sucker that drew the shortest straw and had to go last???? As it turns out we had enough hot water for all, still needed to mix in cold water. This actually surprised me.

A milking update ....  A couple of you lovely ladies have asked what I do with all the milk I am getting from our heifer.  Well to be truthful, I only milk her once in the morning and then only milk the front two quarters (as this is about 2 to 3 litres) and then put the calf on her.  In the pm the calf is allowed to have it all and then is let out in the paddock for a time to run and eat. 

The bales and the calf are still in the yards which has worked quiet well to date, But it is now time for change and a calf paddock is right up there on the list.

Garden update ... The net over the strawberries is working and I have been able to make one jar of strawberry jam and have almost enough berries to make another jar.

The tomato plants now have small tomatoes forming so I will be making the covers to go over these beds as well, although this time I will not be so lousy and add a little extra length making it easier to secure down with the bricks.

On the farm we are busy harvesting ginger, sorting and soon will be planting.  It is hot and dusty work but at least we have no trouble falling to sleep at night  .......... LOL


mashelly said...

I could have helped with bees ..we ahve had 3 swarms here over the last 2 weeks

Kim said...

Are you scared the bees will sting you?I have always wanted our own honey but have been worried about bee stings.

Enchanted Moments said...

Bees are on our mind at the moment, little m is too scared to be outside down the back, in the late afternoon we are drowned our by the humming and buzzing of bees nearby, they must be VERY close I live in the suburbs, but very close to the foothills.bushland....the other afternoon, the noise was amazing and louder and louder and then the yard was filled with bees flying was a little scary..!!! Ive just been outside and can hear the constant humming again.....pretty cool, but scary all the same for the little one...
good luck with your hive...

Tracy said...

It's great you have taken the plunge into apiary. Bees are great. Our hives are all at ground level(on a pallet to keep them off the ground). I am too short to be able to handle a the supers if they were raised like yours is. Though I can see that it would be good for air flow and ants if they are a problem.

Kids and Canning Jars said...

OK- We have a lovely beehive! But, no bees. Maybe I should take some inspiration from yall.

Fiona from Arbordale Farm said...

How exciting to have your own bees. Keep us posted on the progress.